Porn Addiction: Signs, Causes & Treatment

Porn Addiction: Signs, Causes & Treatment

What is porn addiction?

Do you experience a strong desire for sexual fantasies, to watch sexual content, or for sex, and these thoughts and subsequent actions keep your mind occupied excessively? Do you often feel like engaging in such activities as soon as you get time and this gives you a sense of satisfaction? These then are the signs and symptoms that you have become addicted to porn.

Porn addiction is a state in which people use porn impulsively, recklessly, without a sense of self-control, and with no afterthoughts about the associated consequences. A person may watch porn and is considered fine if s/he is in complete control, as to when to watch and to put a stop to it. It becomes an addiction, if one loses control over self and gets into this act, completely uncontrolled.

Consuming pornography content is a common pastime, these days. As per studies, approximately 85% of men regularly consume porn, whereas women watch the content slightly less, comparatively.  

An individual may get addicted to pornographic content if they constantly crave erotic displays, despite attempts to reduce their urges. When such a state is developed, then an individual may also find other areas of life, like work, academics, and social interactions limited by the constant need to consume porn. Regular watching porn may also take over any other interests slowly and gradually, even without realizing it.

In case an individual gets addicted, then they may begin to watch such content even in public places like at work or in public transport, restaurants, and other places.

Signs of porn addiction?

People with porn addiction will start to experience distractions in their day-to-day life. They may experience that their mind is preoccupied with this stuff, than being present and engaged in any task at hand. One may experience a decline in health, low energy, less enthusiasm, and seldom seen really and consciously engaged in their day-to-day life. Continuity of this state can lead to irritability, anxiety, or depression, if not addressed promptly. 

Common signs of porn addiction are :

  • General routine or basics in life take back a seat at the cost of watching pornographic content
  • One is always on the lookout for, to find a suitable opportunity to watch porn again, thus, depriving self from their present moment of life, living consciously
  • Many times, a lot of fear is attached to watching porn as it needs some mental calculations to be done to find time out for this indulgence
  • This addiction may lead to risky sexual behavior as well
  • One may become angry at being advised to reduce porn consumption, as well
  • Simultaneously, one may tend to develop a feeling of shame, due to excessive porn usage, but still be unable to stop it by self.
  • At times, people may use porn to cope with difficult emotions like pain, anxiety, sadness, or feeling of being alone
  • This addiction if not curtailed, then may lead to watching further extreme forms of porn content, for pleasure
  • One may also find this act more satisfying than sexual intercourse and may have consequences too

Causes of porn addiction

Of course, the primary reason which makes consuming porn content possible is due to its easy availability, these days. But then, the point is, that content is more or less easily available to almost every individual, then how come only a few get addicted or develop compulsive behavior? 

A few factors behind addiction to porn may include :

  • Biological factors: Biological factors, including the chemistry or structure of the brain along with life experiences, may make some people more susceptible to such addictions.
  • Psychological factors: Watching pornography content may sometimes act as a form of escape or coping mechanism to manage life stress or other mental health issues. 
  • Relationship issues: Difficulties in intimate relationships may also lead some people to turn to porn, to cope or to fulfill their sexual desires.
  • Cultural factors: Societal expectations about appearance, sex, and relationships may also add to the scheme of things for some to get into this addiction of viewing porn.

The exact reason behind porn addiction has not yet been established, instead, multiple reasons or at times maybe even a single one can make one get addicted to porn.

Effects of porn addiction

Any addiction is not good.  Similarly, being addicted to watching porn is also not good, when it becomes a habit and one finds it difficult to stop this craving.

These days, porn is easily accessible, and it’s easy for someone to become dependent on such content. 

Well, as all actions of ours have consequences, watching porn in excess too has its consequences. It has an impact on the brain. Like other addictions, viewing porn affects the brain's reward pathways, affecting a neurotransmitter called dopamine that plays a role in pleasure and cravings.

Treatment for Porn Addiction

Speaking with a mental health professional is one of the most effective ways to get such behavior under control. Porn addiction counseling near me or porn addiction therapy can help you connect with therapists for online counseling at Edha, effectively. 

Professional guidance by experts at Edha can help you come out of this addiction along with the feelings of guilt and compulsion that develop over some time. Experts also help you to manage the emotional and intimacy challenges caused by this addiction. Please feel free to connect for online counseling.


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